Anxiety Survey
This data shows the answers of an anxiety survey given to university students in both control and treatment groups, pre-tests and post-tests. The treatment was students recording supplemental speaking videos on Flip once every 2-3 weeks over the course of one semester. Items 1-18 are a 6 point Likert scale survey, designed with items from the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale and the Shortened Scale of Foreign Language Listening Anxiety. Higher values correlate with higher anxiety. The four anxiety categories were: Communication apprehension (Items 4, 6, 7, 9, 18), Fear of feedback by peers and teachers (Items 5, 8, 10), Self-focused apprehension (Items 1-3), and Task-focused apprehension (Items 11-17). When the survey was distributed, there were strict instructions from the university not to collect any personal information from students, such as names, student ID numbers, etc. Therefore data is anonymous and has been treated as independent samples. Notable findings include: -In the post-tests, Mann-Whitney results showed the experimental group reported significantly lower anxiety in items 3, 13, 16, and one principal component (self-focused apprehension). -The control group reported significantly lower anxiety in item 8 and one principal component (fear of feedback by peers and teachers). -According to both IRT and PCA, items 2, 3, 4, 9, and 16 showed differences between the experimental and control groups (considering a 10% level of significance).