Comprehensive Experimental Dataset on Large-Amplitude Rayleigh-Plateau Instability in Continuous InkJet Printing regime
This dataset comprises a comprehensive collection of experimental investigations into the dynamic breakup of jetted Newtonian fluids under large-amplitude stimulation conditions using an industrial Continuous InkJet (CIJ) printhead. The dataset includes a wide range of disturbance amplitudes, spanning from 5V to 45V, and covers a variety of fluid properties. For each jet, approximately 55 meticulously captured, dephased images have been generated, offering a dynamic and comprehensive view of the breakup process. Additionally, the dataset provides a wealth of quantitative information, including rheological properties of the included fluids, ensuring the dataset's completeness and integrity.
Steps to reproduce
See article in Data in Brief journal named: Comprehensive Experimental Dataset on Large-Amplitude Rayleigh-Plateau Instability in Continuous InkJet Printing regime
Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Agence Nationale de la Recherche