Chemiluminescence intensities of excited radicals in ammonia-methane-air twinFlames
Measured chemiluminescence intensities from main excited radicals (NO*, OH*, NH*, CN*, CO2*, and CH*) in the UV/blue range in ammonia-methane-air laminar premixed twin-flames. For each of the 6 excited radicals, 6 data files are provided (total of 36 files available): - 1 file (e.g., OH_Phi.txt) gives the chemiluminescence intensity as a function of equivalence ratio for 10 different ammonia fractions in the fuel blend and for a fixed strain rate of 150 /s. - 5 files (e.g., NH_Strain_XNH3040_Phi080.txt) give the chemiluminescence intensity as a function of strain rate for a fixed equivalence ratio and a fixed ammonia fraction in the fuel blend. The chemiluminescence intensities are obtained by integrating each flame's chemiluminescence spectrum (after CO2*-background is removed if applicable) over specified wavelengths ranges: - for NO* between 220 and 275 nm - for OH* between 300 and 327 nm - for NH* between 328 and 347 nm - for CO2* between 347 and 349 nm - for CN* between 349 and 364 nm - for CH* between 429 and 444 nm All chemiluminescence intensities are normalized by that of OH* for Phi = 1.0, XNH3 = 0 (pure methane), and a = 150 /s.
Steps to reproduce
The manuscript that details necessary hardware and steps to reproduce these data has been submitted for publication in Combust. Flame