SPHinXsys: An open-source multi-physics and multi-resolution library based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics
In this paper, we present an open-source multi-resolution and multi-physics library, SPHinXsys, which is released under the Apache License (2.0). Along with the source code, a complete documentation is also distributed for easy compilation and execution. SPHinXsys aims at modeling coupled multi-physics industrial dynamic systems within a unified SPH framework. It has two important features, namely, (1) the generic design providing a C++ API with very good flexibility for domain-specific applications, (2) the unified framework within which numerous industrial or scientific applications can be coupled. The present version (v0.2.0) includes a wide range of validation tests and applications in the fields of fluid dynamics, solid dynamics, thermal and mass diffusion, reaction-diffusion, electromechanics and fluid-structure interactions.