Data for: Extended release Levodopa at bedtime as a treatment for nocturia in Parkinson disease: an open label study

Published: 31 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9rjmvg5j57.1
Livia Brusa


In the first sheet, we show raw data about demographical data, Mini-Mental State Examination, Unified Parkinson's disease rating scale, Hoehn & Yahr score, International prostatic symptoms (IPSS) and Nocturia Quality of Life (NQoL) scores. In the second sheet, we show non parametric Wilcoxon's test analysis used to compare IPSS score at baseline and at the end of treatment period and Spearman's correlation analysis between IPSS (global and specifically for item 7) with disease duration and UPDRS (part III). The third sheet shows Spearman's correlation analysis between delta NQoL score with disease duration and UPDRS (part III). Our data show significant improvement on both IPSS and NQoL scores following 2 months of Extended Release of Levodopa treatment.



Neurology, Parkinson's Disease
