Dataset related to the characteristics of the champion that influence the implementation of quality improvement programs in health facilities in Haiti
Background Quality improvement in Healthcare is the new fashion actually. Rich countries and developing countries alike are trying to implement quality improvement initiatives to improve their performance and the quality of care. There is evidence in the scientific literature that the existence of a “champion” can play an important role in the successful implementation of quality improvement strategies. Most of the time, people get stuck at the implementation level: they know what to do but they fail to execute it in the organizational setting. That’s where a champion can be useful to facilitate the success of the change. There is a paucity of research on the link between the champion and the implementation of quality improvement programs. The aim of the study was to investigate the perceptions of stakeholders about the characteristics and qualities of the champion that could facilitate the successful implementation of quality improvement programs in health care settings in Haiti. Data collection We used a semi-structured interview guide and a small group discussion guide. Most of the interviews were face to face and were conducted between April and September 2019. Respondents were interviewed about their experience with a champion, their ideas on the qualities and characteristics of successful champions, and what obstacles can prevent them from succeeding in their efforts to facilitate positive change. Most interviews were conducted in Haitian Creole or French by trained qualitative researchers. One interview was conducted in English. Most of the material was audio-recorded and transcribed for analysis, except for one semi-structured interview and the small group discussions, as some participants were not comfortable with the recording. Data analysis We applied a grounded theory approach with Atlas-ti software for the data analysis and interpretation. We predefined two codes that capture the facilitators and the obstacles linked to the champions’ success. All 21 transcripts were revised and compared using the constant comparison method. Then, we considered the themes that emerged from the data (taking into account each category) according to the core meaning of participants. The themes were reviewed several times to make sure they are accurate and grounded in the data. Those data could help you to get a better understanding of the quality and the characteristics of the champions that play a critical role in the implementation of quality improvement programs. The data are transcripts of interviews with stakeholders in the health facilities. In the articles, we extract some quotes from the data in order to illustrate some findings. But the raw data provide more information about the topics of champions and quality improvement.