Calculation of Fuel Temperature Profile For Heavy Water Moderated Natural Uranium Oxide Fuel Using Two Gas Mixture Conductance Model For Noble Gas Helium and Xenon
A model for calculation of fuel temperature profile using binary gas mixture of Helium and Xenon for gap gas conductance is proposed here. In this model, the temperature profile of a fuel pencil from fuel centreline to fuel surface has been calculated by taking into account the dilution of Helium gas filled during fuel manufacturing due to accumulation of fission gas Xenon. In this model an explicit calculation of gap gas conductance of binary gas mixture of Helium and Xenon has been carried out. A computer code Fuel Characteristics Calculator (FCCAL) is developed for the model. Plots obtained using the code and comparison with 3-D neutron diffusion equation solver is added in this repository. Data and plots taken from MATPRO-10 handbook are added in the zip file, MATPRO-10 handbook is available in public domain.