Attitude of indian physiotherapy student towards scientific research
BACKGROUND: The significance of scientific research in advancing the field of physiotherapy and the role of student in contributing to its growth .it discuss the lack of emphasis on research in Indian Physiotherapy education and the potential impact on the profession development AIM: The aim is to explore the attitude of Indian physiotherapy student towards scientific research, aiming to understand their perception, motivation, and challenges in engaging with research activities METHODS AND MATERIALS: This was survey research in which 350 physiotherapy Student aged 20 to 50 years old completed an online survey. The questionnaire was sent via a URL shared through social media applications, emails, and internet forums. The responses obtained from each participant were examined using Google Forms to establish normality. RESULT: 350 physiotherapy student individuals responded to the questionnaire. Out of 350 responses 42.9% \ student are agree , 21.62% strongly agree and 9.42% Disagree where as 1.94 %strongly Disagree. CONCLUSION: Analysing the perspective of Indian physiotherapy students on scientific research underscores the importance of cultivating a positive attitude towards research from an early stage. By recognizing and addressing factors influencing attitudes, such as mentorship programs and research-focused coursework, educational institutions can nurture a research-oriented culture among physiotherapy students. This proactive approach not only enriches their learning journey but also propels evidence-based practices and innovation within the Indian physiotherapy sector. KEYWORDS: Indian, physiotherapy, students, attitude, scientific research, perception, barriers