H2 photo-absorption cross section dataset

Published: 18 October 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9t2s2vv343.1


This dataset contains the high-resolution H2 photo-absorption cross section of that is used in Chadney et al. (2021). The cross-section is composed from the following sources: - 0.1 - 80.4 nm: Backx et al. (1976) measurements, - 80.4 - 84.6 nm: Dalgarno and Allison (1969) + Yelle et al. (1993) calculations at 250K, - 84.6 - 120 nm: Yelle et al. (1993) calculations at 250K. For more information on this dataset, see Chadney et al. (2021). References: Backx, C., Wight, G.R., der Wiel, M.J.V., 1976. Oscillator strengths (10-70 eV) for absorption, ionization and dissociation in H2, HD and D2, obtained by an electron-ion coincidence method. Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 9, 315–331. Chadney, J.M., Koskinen, T. T., Hu, X., Galand, M., Lavvas, P., Unruh, Y. C., Serigano, J., Hörst, S. M, Yelle, R. V., 2021, Energy deposition in Saturn’s equatorial upper atmosphere, Icarus, accepted. Dalgarno, A., Allison, A.C., 1969. Photodissociation of molecular hydrogen on Venus. Journal of Geophysical Research 74, 4178–4180. Yelle, R., Herbert, F., Sandel, B., Vervack, R., Wentzel, T., 1993. The Distribution Hydrocarbons in Neptune’s Upper Atmosphere. Icarus 104, 38–59.



Photochemistry, Planetary Atmosphere, Photoabsorption, Space Physics
