Functions of FACT in Breaking Nucleosome and Maintaining Its Integrity at Single-nucleosome Level
Published: 8 June 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9tc87th633.1
Ping Chen, Liping Dong, Mingli Hu, Yizhou Wang, Xue Xiao, Zhongliang Zhao, Jie Yan, Pengye Wang, Danny Reinberg, Ming Li, Wei Li, Guohong LiDescription
Fig 3i Gel-shift assay shows the properties of FACT, SSRP1 or SPT16 to promote the deposition of H2A/H2B dimer into tetrasome to form nucleosome. Fig 4a Gel-shift assay shows the DNA binding properties of SSRP1 and SSRP1ΔHMG. Fig 4b Gel-shift assay shows the properties of SSRP1 and SSRP1ΔHMG to promote H2A/H2B dimer deposition onto tetrasome to form nucleosome. Fig S1a EM images of the reconstituted nucleosomes used for the study. Fig S2a SDS-PAGE analysis of the purified FACT and its individual subunits Fig S3a EM images of the reconstituted mono-tetrasomes
Institute of Biophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
Electron Microscopy, Image Analysis (Medical Imaging), Gel