Data for: Data Set on the Measurement of Power Produced by Different Hybrid Vertical Axis Wind Turbines under Natural Wind Conditions

Published: 26 April 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9tfyr3fppy.1
Micha Prem Kumar T


The system consists of 4 numbers of Wind Turbine Generators rated for 1 kW. Initially instrumentation of 2 numbers of 300 W machines has been carried out on 11.07.2018. The data has been collected during the period from 11th July to 28th September 2018(Time stamp: 11-07-2018 15:40 to 28-09-2018 23:59).Total number of data collected as 112461 data sets. In Phase 2, instrumentation of 2 numbers of 200 W has been instrumented on 29.09.2018. The data has been collected during the period from 29th September 2018 to 24th October 2018(Time stamp: 29-09-2018 00:01 to 24-10-2018 09:00).Total number of data collected as 36541 data sets.



Wind Energy, Renewable Energy, Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine
