Redistributive effects of different pension systems when longevity varies by socioeconomic status
The supplementary material includes the following files used to generate the data in the paper "Redistributive effects of different pension systems when longevity varies by socioeconomic status": mat -> “Data.mat” This file contains mortality data for the cohort born in 1930 and in 1960 ipnyb -> 2 Julia 1.3 files that contain the programs of the models with and without behavioral reactions jld -> 24 files that includes the combination of 6 pension systems (DBI, DBII, DBIII, NDCI, NDCII, NDCIII), 2 cohorts (“1930”, “1960”), 2 scenarios with and without behavioral reactions (“ ”,”NoBeh”) All files with extension “jld” (Julia programming) contains for each pension system, cohort, and scenario information by income quintile on "CM" => Consumption profiles "ppM" => Pension points profiles "AM" => Financial wealth "PVB" => Present value of benefits "RcV" => Retirement ages "MgfRV" => Marginal replacement rates "HK" => Human capital "τEM" => Effective social security tax rate "SSW" => Social security wealth "bM" => Benefits "IRR" => Internal rates of return "yM" => Labor income "fRV" => Replacement rate "ϕD" => Point factor "λ0V" => Shadow price of wealth "RV" => Retirement age "τD" => Social security contribution rate "ExpV" => Expected utility "P̄M" => Relative value of investing a dollar in the pension system "LM" => Labor supply "SV" => Length of education