Data for: Thermoregulatory differences in African mole-rat species from disparate habitats: plasticity and limitations
Published: 18 January 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9tw52dy9wd.1
Nikki Marks, David Scantlebury, Aaron G. Maule, Natasha McGowan, Nigel BennettDescription
"Tb data" contains information on core body temperature for three species of mole-rat (Damaraland, Natal, highveld) at different ambient temperatures "Ts data" contains information on surface body temperatures of different body parts for three species of mole-rat (Damaraland, Natal, highveld) at different ambient temperatures
Adaptation, Thermal Imaging, Thermoregulation in Animals, Habitat, Mole-Rat