Experimental data of evacuation simulations in an BNE-informed ABM

Published: 22 February 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/9v4byyvgxh.2


This is the experimental dataset derived from the ABM for pedestrian evacuation proposed recently. This BNE-informed ABM ultimately aims to provide a more realistic description of complicated pedestrian behaviours especially in high-density and life-threatening situations. Bayesian Nash Equilibrium (BNE) was adopted to reproduce interactive decision-making process among intelligent and game-playing agents. The implementations of 3 behavioural models, which are Shortest Route (SR) model, Random Follow (RF) model, and BNE model, make it possible to simulate emergent patterns of pedestrian behaviours (e.g. herding and self-organised queuing behaviours, etc.) in emergency situations. According to the common features of previous mass trampling accidents, a series of simulation experiments were performed in space with 3 types of barriers, which are Horizontal Corridors, Vertical Corridors, and Random Squares, standing for corridors, bottlenecks and intersections respectively, to investigate emergent behaviours of evacuees in varied constricted spatial environments. The model was developed in NetLogo and related materials (e.g. software, ODD+D documentation, etc.) can be retrieved from https://www.comses.net/codebases/e6f64320-2ab4-41ca-a98c-2639254e7b7f/releases/2.0.0/



University of Leeds School of Geography


Game Theory, Pedestrian, Agent-Based Modeling, Behavior Coding, Crowds Simulation
