Dataset of monitoring campaign of occupant behavior in mixed-mode office buildings in a high-altitude tropical climate
General data description The data collection was conducted in the city of São Carlos, SP, Brazil (UTC/GMT -3). Measurements took place in six different buildings, where 11 offices were monitored during a campaign that took place between December/2017 and August/2019. Not all months have recorded data during this period due to the offices’ availability. All monitored offices were mixed-mode offices with areas ranging from 10 to 50m2. Each office displayed operable window(s) and an air conditioning (AC) unit, which were both freely operated by users. The number of windows varied, but only one window in each office was monitored. Outdoor variables were taken from a meteorological station that belongs to the National Institute of Meteorology . The station, ID A711 OMM Code: 86845 (, takes hourly measurements, therefore the values in the spreadsheets were treated to fit the 10-minute interval of the other measurements. There was no equipment to record the AC state, so the AC temperature was recorded instead, and the AC state later calculated for the purposes of our research project. Columns N-S in the spreadsheets are part of the method developed to calculate the AC state. As the method is not completely accurate, verification of the calculated AC state is possible using the graphs, resulting in eventual overrides of the calculated state so it matches the condition indicated by the AC temperatures. Observations: a. Files for Office A, Office D and Office G for the month of August (2018 and 2019), show AC was use for heating. In such files, the AC state was not calculated, either to identify the AC for heating periods or otherwise. b. Highlighted portions in Column M (AC State) indicate an override in the state according to the information displayed on the graph.