Data on Simulating the Growth and Yields of Brachiaria Brizantha Using the CROPGRO-Perennial Forage Model Under Present and Future Climate Conditions in Subhumid Environments of Ethiopia.
This dataset presents research on simulating the growth and yields of Brachiaria brizantha using the CROPGRO-Perennial Forage Model under present and future climate conditions in subhumid environments of Ethiopia. The study aims to calibrate the model for Brachiaria brizantha and assess the impact of climate change on its yield. The data includes climatic information, such as daily rainfall, temperature, and solar radiation, collected from Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center and Bako Agricultural Research Center over two years. Baseline and future climate scenarios were derived from CORDEX Africa outputs under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The dataset encompasses herbage, leaf, and stem biomass accumulation, as well as specific forage model characteristics, MOW. The calibration process refined species parameters related to vegetative partitioning. The data is valuable for calibrating and evaluating the CROPGRO-Perennial Forage Model for Brachiaria brizantha and assessing the effects of present and future climate scenarios on biomass accumulation. It is relevant to agricultural advisors, policymakers, researchers, and modelers working on forage crops in tropical sub-humid regions. The information can be used for planning and decision-making processes related to forage crop growth and for conducting forage models using DSSAT 4.8.2 software to assess climate change effects on Brachiaria grass. The dataset is publicly available on Mendeley Data.