Sea Forecast and Waves Classification for Florianópolis beaches
Published: 6 November 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9w3cznz3nv.1
Giovani Marin, , Description
Sea forecast is represented by files day_forecast.csv, hour_forecast.csv and tide.csv. Contains sea metrics like swell direction and height, wind speed and direction, period, and others. Beach.csv and spot.csv represents a local register. Sea_condition_fact.csv contain some classifications of spot, ready for a supervisioned learning algorithms. And facts files contains a result of a naive bayes algorithm, with the probabilities for each characteristics, texture os sea, wave size (or wave height) and wave shape.
Steps to reproduce
Model.png show how to related the entities.
Universidade do Vale do Itajai
Machine Learning, Supervised Learning