Constraints on the composition and temperature of LLSVPs from seismic properties of lower mantle minerals
This file contains the 79 394 successful models investigated for LLSVPs. For each model, we provide 23 properties describing the composition and its main characteristics. These properties are as follows: - The six input parameters of our model (plus the proportion of Fp). R_Fe is the oxidation state, while DT is the temperature contrast between LLSVPs and far-field mantle. - The bulk composition of the rock in term of its 5 main oxides. - The chemical composition of Fp and Bm in term of their sub-phases. - The four outputs used in this study, namely the bulk rock density, the P-wave velocity (Vp), the S-wave velocity (Vs), and the bulk sound velocity (Vphi). All the details concerning the calculation are available in the corresponding article.