Antropo design file repository: An open-source platform to increase the anthropomorphism of the Franka Emika Panda collaborative robot

Published: 15 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9wnd37wv7c.1


Antropo is designed to allow researchers to study the effect of increased anthropomorphism of the Franka Emika Panda collaborative robot on human-robot interaction. This repository presents all design files to reproduce the Antropo platform consisting of a light, camera, and sound module. The light module can be freely programmed to show the light of all colours, and with any animation, the open-source sounds presented can be used to study the effect of audio cues on interaction.


Steps to reproduce

Antropo is licensed under the OSHWA Certification BE000008. The platform can be fully reproduced according to the standards set out by OSHWA. The steps to build Antropo can be found via the related links found below or by searching for BE000008 on the OSHWA website.


Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Imec


Robotics, Hardware Specification, Robot, Manufacturing Robotics
