Climate change and social unrest: a 6000-year chronicle from the Eastern Mediterranean
Data Set S1. Raw pollen counts Data Set S2. Pollen-derived vegetation patterns expressed in percentages (Mediterranean pine-oak woodland, Meadow with ash trees, Mixed oak forest, Juniper scrubland, and Riparian woodland) Data Set S3. Principal component analysis (PCA) Axis 1 with a loess smoothing, and the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles. Data Set S4. Climate data. Mean annual temperatures (°C) with the standard deviation for each value (°C); temperatures for the sowing and growing seasons (°C) with the standard deviation for each value (°C); temperature anomaly (°C) with the standard deviation for each value (°C); winter precipitations (mm) with the standard deviation for each value (mm); spring precipitation (mm) with the standard deviation for each value (mm); precipitation for the sowing and growing seasons (mm) with the standard deviation for each value (mm).