Sri Lankan dental students’ perspective on the effectiveness of e learning
General objective of the study was to assess the undergraduate dental students’ perspectives on the effectiveness of e learning involved in Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) program. Specific objectives were to identify the most efficient method for e learning for different components, to assess the students’ opinion and awareness on effectiveness of using different platforms and social media for e learning, to assess undergraduate students’ opinion and effectiveness of online teaching considering the barriers imposed and to identify areas and modes of improvement of e learning in BDS study program. The study was carried out as a prospective, cross sectional descriptive type of study. Study sample was undergraduate dental students of the Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya. Undergraduate students who have completed all online lectures and assignments based on content taught online in 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th semester. A self-administered pretested questionnaire administered via a Google form which is a web based survey tool provided by Google Inc was used as the study instrument with a covering letter, information sheet and consent form annexed to the form. Survey link was disseminated as a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or web address among dental students. Questionnaire was prepared for them to proceed once the informed written consent was obtained. The questionnaire used in this study comprised of close-ended questions. The questionnaire consisted of demographic data and specific questions on awareness, attitude and practice of e-learning.
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google form was used