Tactile Localization of forearm in children: Pilot Study

Published: 5 June 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9ydms5cmbh.1
krati omar, Asir John Samuel, kavita sharma


Tactile location stimuli are fundamental in forearm to the somatosensory perception. We examine the tactile localization (TL) normally among in middle school children age group between eight and thirteen year. Every age group have Touch location reflects the touch internal organization of the forearm in the normal development of children.The normative value of level of tactile acuity in upper limb among middle school going children test will be reported. Data taken for Point to Point Tactile Localization (PPTL). In data shows Tactile_1 is first session of PPTL, Tactile_2 is second session of PPTL, Tactile_3 is third session of PPTL in one time, Tactile_L is Tactile Localization


Steps to reproduce

The procedure was explained to the children’s before starting the test. Ascent from participating children’s and written consent was obtained from the class teachers of children’s. Anthropometrics was measured before beginning the procedure. The acuity of TL determined by the point-to-point tactile localization (PPTL) technique. For performing PPTL, the child was seated and the examiner located a point on the forearm of the blinded child by a black marker pen. Then the child asked to relocate the point with the help of red marked in blindfolded state. The distance between black point and red point (in mm) was noted as the acuity of tactile localization. Mean of three readings was used for estimating the normative reference value of tactile localization by PPTL technique.


Sense, Sensory Neuroscience, Elementary School, Children, Pointing Accuracy
