Djankov et al. (2010) dataset upload

Published: 24 September 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/9ytm2nnbnz.2
leonzio rizzo,


Dataset used for the paper "The Heterogenous Impact of Taxation on FDI: A Note on Djankov et al. (2010)"


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*** Figure 1: Relationship between FDI and tax rates in OECD vc non-OECD countries. twoway (scatter fdi20032005asofgdp statutory if oecd==0, mcolor( dkorange )) (scatter fdi20032005asofgdp statutory if oecd==1, mcolor(ebblue) msymbol(T)) (lfit fdi20032005asofgdp statutory if oecd==0, lcolor( dkorange )) (lfit fdi20032005asofgdp statutory if oecd==1, lcolor(ebblue)) , ytitle("FDI 2003-2005 as % of GDP") saving(g1, replace) twoway (scatter fdi20032005asofgdp effective if oecd==0, mcolor( dkorange )) (scatter fdi20032005asofgdp effective if oecd==1, mcolor(ebblue) msymbol(T)) (lfit fdi20032005asofgdp effective if oecd==0, lcolor( dkorange )) (lfit fdi20032005asofgdp effective if oecd==1, lcolor(ebblue)) , ytitle("FDI 2003-2005 as % of GDP") saving(g2, replace) twoway (scatter fdi20032005asofgdp feffective if oecd==0, mcolor( dkorange )) (scatter fdi20032005asofgdp feffective if oecd==1, mcolor(ebblue) msymbol(T)) (lfit fdi20032005asofgdp feffective if oecd==0, lcolor( dkorange )) (lfit fdi20032005asofgdp feffective if oecd==1, lcolor(ebblue)) , ytitle("FDI 2003-2005 as % of GDP") saving(g3, replace) *** Table 1: FDI regressions without controls. reg fdi20032005asofgdp statutory reg fdi20032005asofgdp statutory stat_oecd oecd reg fdi20032005asofgdp feffective reg fdi20032005asofgdp feffective feff_oecd oecd reg fdi20032005asofgdp effective reg fdi20032005asofgdp effective eff_oecd oecd *** Table 2: FDI regressions with tax controls. global tab5a othertaxes vatandsalestax pittopmarginalrate global tab5a_oecd other_oecd vat_oecd pit_oecd reg fdi20032005asofgdp statutory $tab5a reg fdi20032005asofgdp statutory stat_oecd oecd $tab5a $tab5a_oecd reg fdi20032005asofgdp feffective $tab5a reg fdi20032005asofgdp feffective feff_oecd oecd $tab5a $tab5a_oecd reg fdi20032005asofgdp effective $tab5a reg fdi20032005asofgdp effective eff_oecd oecd $tab5a $tab5a_oecd *** Table 3: FDI regressions with tax complexity controls. global tab5b lpay taxevasion procedurestostartabusiness global tab5b_oecd lpay_oecd evas_oecd start_oecd reg fdi20032005asofgdp statutory $tab5b reg fdi20032005asofgdp statutory stat_oecd oecd $tab5b $tab5b_oecd reg fdi20032005asofgdp feffective $tab5b reg fdi20032005asofgdp feffective feff_oecd oecd $tab5b $tab5b_oecd reg fdi20032005asofgdp effective $tab5b reg fdi20032005asofgdp effective eff_oecd oecd $tab5b $tab5b_oecd *** Table 4: FDI regressions with democracy, GDP per capita and employment rigidity controls. global tab5c iefpropertyrightsindex employmentrigidityindex efwfreedomtotradeinternationally lgdppc global tab5c_oecd prop_oecd e_oecd free_oecd gdp_oecd reg fdi20032005asofgdp statutory $tab5c reg fdi20032005asofgdp statutory stat_oecd oecd $tab5c $tab5c_oecd reg fdi20032005asofgdp feffective $tab5c reg fdi20032005asofgdp feffective feff_oecd oecd $tab5c $tab5c_oecd reg fdi20032005asofgdp effective $tab5c reg fdi20032005asofgdp effective eff_oecd oecd $tab5c $tab5c_oecd


Foreign Direct Investment, Taxation
