Data for Article "Nonnegligible contribution of terrigenous inputs from local small watersheds to marine sediments: evidence from magnetic investigation for surface sediments at west regions of the Pearl River Estuary"

Published: 8 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9ywrjy9pkg.1
Tingping Ouyang


This dataset includes environmental magnetic properties of sediments collected from rivers within west Guangdong, Coastal zone, and shelf, and rock magnetic measurement (k-T curve, Hysteresis loop, IRM Acquisition Curve, and Demagnetization Curve) results for representative samples.


Steps to reproduce

Low field magnetic susceptibility (MS) was measured under field 200 A/m at both low (976 Hz) and high (15616 Hz) (mass-specific χlf and χhf, respectively) frequency using a Kappabridge MFK1-FA (AGICO). Anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) was imparted with an AF peak field of 100 mT and a DC biasing field of 0.05 mT using a D-2000 A.F. Demagnetizer and then measured on a JR-6A Spinner Magnetometer. Isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquired at 2 T field using an IM-10-30 Impulse magnetizer and then measured with a JR-6A Spinner Magnetometer was regarded as saturation IRM (SIRM). κ-T curves were measured using a CS4 high temperature unit attached to the Kappabridge MFK1-FA in an argon atmosphere from ambient temperature to 700 °C. Hysteresis loops and parameters were measured with a maximum applied field of 1.5 T. IRM acquisition curves with ninety steps up to 1500 mT were acquired. Then, backfield demagnetization curves ranged from 0 to -1500 mT were measured. First order reversed curves (FORCS) were measured with the maximum applied fields of 1 T


Earth Surface Sediment Transport, Sedimentation, Magnetism


National Natural Science Foundation of China

