Data of performances comparison of axial-flux permanent magnet generator for small-scale vertical axis wind turbine [AEJ_2423]
Published: 28 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9ywv6kyzbd.1
, Description
The data consist of 29 file. Nine data for the performances of the generator excited with circular permanent magnet poles. Nine data for the performances of the generator excited with rectangular permanent magnet poles. Nine data for the performances of the generator excited with trapezoidal permanent magnet poles. One cogging torque data for the most qualified generator. One data for all the generator combined in one excel sheet.
Steps to reproduce
The generators are designed by the analytical method and the generator performances are obtained by the simulation. the simulation is conducted by the help of the Ansys Maxwell software.
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Wind Electric Generator