Project Metadata Used in Characterizing Transportation Research Funding Priorities: Implications for Departments of Transportation in the U.S.

Published: 28 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9zdk2bjznb.1
Anonymous Anonymous


This dataset contains all data used for the study "Characterizing Transportation Research Funding Priorities: Implications for Departments of Transportation in the U.S." "1 Original Data from RH.csv" contains all project data of U.S. DOT administrations collected from the U.S. DOT Research Hub. "2 Cleaned RH Data for Topic Modeling.csv" contains the cleaned data of U.S. DOT administrations according to the criterion in the paper. "3 Original Data from TRID.csv" contains all project data of state DOTs collected from the TRID. "4 Cleaned TRID Data for Topic Modeling.csv" contains the cleaned data of state DOTs collected from the TRID. "5 Supplemental Data from Certain State DOTs.csv" contains all project data shared by state DOTs that responded to the authors. "6 Combined Data for Topic Modeling.csv" contains all project data used for the topic modeling in the paper. "7 Original UTC Data from TRID.csv" contains all UTC project data collected from the TRID.



Transportation Research Topics, Transportation by Region, Engineering Research Data Management, Research Policy, Research Funding
