Seattle bikeshare survey
Published: 26 September 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9zfrh6r4p9.1
Luke Peters, Don MacKenzieDescription
A survey of Seattle bikesharing users and potential users was conducted in February - March 2018. Respondents included users of Pronto (222 respondents) and dockless bikesharing (505 respondents), and potential Seattle bikesharing users who had not yet used any Seattle bikesharing offerings. The survey was hosted on Google Forms and was distributed through several online platforms: UW Today / UW News, the Seattle Bike Blog, and social media. As a participation incentive, respondents were entered in a drawing for a premium bag (valued at $160) from Swift Industries, a Seattle company. The survey included sections on Pronto, dockless bikesharing, and demographics.
University of Washington
Urban Planning, Transportation Engineering, Green Transportation, Transportation Demand