Comparative tables from a comprehensive review of water-energy nexus assessment methodologies applied to residential buildings
The presented tables compile all water-related evaluation criteria of the analysed methodologies and rate them by importance for a future approach. This rating aims to rank the criteria by the relevance to be included in a future dedicated water-energy nexus evaluation performance methodology. For this criteria rating, through all compared methodologies it is used the following symbology: (+++) very important criteria that will be included in the future methodology; (++) Important criteria that can be included, in the future methodology, with few adaptations; (+) Relevant criteria that can be included, in the future methodology, with extensive adaptations; (-) Irrelevant criteria for the future methodology.
Steps to reproduce
The tables that are presented in this annex compare 6 green building methodologies, BREEAM, LEED, DGNB, Beam Plus, CASBEE, and BCA Green Mark, and compare them regarding their water-related criteria.