Concatenated mtDNA/nuDNA

Published: 26 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/b246vvx3yg.1
Antonio Martins Junior, Iracilda Sampaio, Artur Silva, Jean Boubli, Tomas Hrbek, Izeni Farias, Manuel Ruiz-Garcia, Horacio Schneider


These datasets were produced during the research entitled "Out of the shadows: Multilocus systematics and biogeography of night monkeys suggest a Central Amazonian origin and a very recent widespread southeastward expansion in South America", which is published in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution journal. In this study, the authors tested the phylogenetic relationships among species of night monkeys (Aotus, Platyrrhini), as well as their historical biogeography. The concatenated mtDNA/nuDNA dataset was produced by combining 854 sequences from 20 nuclear and mitochondrial loci from 45 Aotus specimens, as well as sequences downloaded from GenBank of other Platyrrhini taxa. It is in nexus format and each database region for each molecular marker is highlighted. The nuDNA dataset was produced by combining sequences from 10 nuclear loci from these 45 Aotus specimens, as well as sequences downloaded from GenBank of other Platyrrhini taxa. The mtDNA dataset was produced by combining sequences from 10 mitochondrial loci from these 45 Aotus specimens, as well as sequences downloaded from GenBank of other Platyrrhini taxa. More information about the characteristics of the different sequenced molecular markers and specimens used are found in the scope of the published article.



Molecular Phylogenetics, Phylogeography
