Mapping Community Determinants of Health Vulnerability to Drought in Nebraska, USA
This is datasets supporting an article with the same name . It contains processed initial datasets of the research, that is calculating and mapping Drought Vulnerability Index (DVI) for state of Nebraska, USA, in county scale. Description of data files: * 01-sensitivities.csv : Contains all raw values of the ten initial sensitivity variables for each Nebraska county. Size: 93 x 10 * 02-EFA.rds: R data file that contains the output of the EFA analysis on the initial ten sensitivity variables * 03-Categorized_Sensitivities.csv: each initial sensitivity variable categorized into five levels using natural breaks. Before this step, each variable is percentile ranked, then scaled. * 04-Exposure.csv: calculated Intensity, Duration, and Frequency values for each Nebraska county from USDM 2012 to 2016 * 05-Exposure_Totals.csv: Finalized exposure. Each element is first scaled, then categorized into five natural break groups. The total exposure is then calculated by adding each of the three components in each county. * 06-Vulnerabilities.csv: Final vulnerability values. It contains the leveled sensitivities (from weighted additive overlays method), leveled exposures. Then vulnerability is the multiplication of the sensitivity and exposure in each county. Finally, the resulting vulnerabilities are regrouped into ten levels using natural breaks.
Steps to reproduce
The data files are numbered in the order of the analysis. To create a map the user should join each file with a county level map of Nebraska, using five digit FIPS codes as the join key.
National Integrated Drought Information System
Claire M. Hubbard Foundation
Nebraska Research Initiative grant