Survey data on livelihood assets, activities and outcomes of smallholder farm households in China’s Loess Plateau
This data article provides a selection of quantitative data from a questionnaire survey on livelihood assets, activities and outcomes of smallholder farm households in Yan’he Township which lies in the middle part of China’s Loess Plateau, one of the representative Grain for Green Project (GGP) areas[1]. Data include land-use decisions and agronomic practices, fertilization, use of pesticides, machine and irrigation, farm and nonfarm activities, financial performance as well as the levels of household income, wellness, and total consumption of food, energy, education and health care. The survey also covered geographical, demographic and socioeconomic background information on the respondents and their perceptions, incentives, propensities and subjective wellbeing. The survey has supported a couple of research articles that build indicators and indexes for economic, environmental and socio-cultural sustainability dimensions and the resilience building of coupled social-ecological systems (SES).
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Citation: [1] Q. Li, P. Zander, Resilience building of rural livelihoods in PES programmes: A case study in China’s Loess Hills, Ambio. 49 (2020) 962–985. [2] Q. Li, T.S. Amjath Babu, S. Sieber, P. Zander, Assessing divergent consequences of payments for ecosystem services on rural livelihoods: A case-study in China’s Loess Hills, Land Degrad Dev. 29 (2018) 3549–3570. [3] Q. Li, T.S. Amjath-Babu, P. Zander, Role of capitals and capabilities in ensuring economic resilience of land conservation efforts: A case study of the grain for green project in China’s Loess Hills, Ecological Indicators. 71 (2016) 636–644. [4] Q. Li, T. Amjath-Babu, P. Zander, Z. Liu, K. Müller, Sustainability of Smallholder Agriculture in Semi-Arid Areas under Land Set-aside Programs: A Case Study from China’s Loess Plateau, Sustainability. 8 (2016) 395. [5] Q. Li, H. Ma, Z. Xu, H. Feng, S. Bellingrath-Kimura, Balancing socio-economic development with ecological conservation towards rural sustainability: A case study in semi-arid rural China, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. (in process).