Intra-individual Escherichia coli diversity in Australian pinniped pups

Published: 25 July 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/b32w8b488z.1


This file details the Escherichia coli phylotypes and corresponding B2 sub-types for E. coli isolates collected from free-ranging Australian fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus), Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) and long-nosed fur seal (Arctocephalus forsteri). Faecal samples were collected from ten pups from each species and subsequently cultured on selective media. Ten isolates of E. coli were sub-cultured from the original culture and analysed using quadruplex phylotyping and multiplex sub-typing PCRs to assign isolates to E. coli phylotypes and sub-types. The relationship between host factors (species, sex, body weight [kg] and standard length [cm]) was also investigated. This study found low intra-individual variation, suggesting that a single isolate of E. coli can provide an idea of the general abundance of E. coli phylotypes in free-ranging pinniped populations, and can be used as an efficient and cost-effective tool for monitoring the presence and abundance of human-associated phylotypes of E. coli.



University of Sydney


Microbiology, Coastal Pollution, Wildlife, Marine Pollution
