Maissner et al - Current Research in Insect Science

Published: 11 October 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/b343kfhnb3.3
Flávia Borges Mury


Initially showed the phylogenetic analysis utilized 32 sequences of the hemipteran alpha-glucosidase enzyme and MEGA XI software (Tamura et al., 2021). The protein sequences were aligned using the Muscle tool, and a phylogenetic tree was estimated using the maximum likelihood method. To root the phylogenetic tree, the Drosophila virilis sequence (B4LLB7) was used as an outgroup. The phylogeny test was conducted using the bootstrap method with 500 replications. The resulting phylogenetic tree illustrates the hypothetical evolutionary relationships between protein sequences. The all data Spreadsheet file is a compilation of the key findings and implications of the research on the knockdown of Rp-αGluG in R. prolixus, emphasizing its role in heme biocrystallization, hemoglobin digestion, oxidative stress, reproduction, and T. cruzi infection dynamics. Blood digestion and hemozoin formation: After gene knockdown of the Rp-αGluG isoform in R. prolixus (dsαGluG), there was a significant reduction in mRNA levels, enzymatic activity and hemozoin (Hz) formation four days after feeding, confirming the role of Rp-αGluG in heme biocrystallization. In contrast, knockdown of the Rp-αGluA isoform had no effect on Hz formation, suggesting that Rp-αGluG is specifically involved in this process. Hemoglobin degradation and oxidative stress: Knockdown of Rp-αGluG also resulted in delayed hemoglobin digestion, as evidenced by increased hemoglobin levels in the midgut of dsαGluG-injected insects. This was associated with higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly H₂O₂, indicating a more oxidative environment in the midgut. Effects on reproduction: Although there was no effect on female survival or total number of eggs laid, the timing and distribution of egg laying was altered. Females injected with dsαGluG laid fewer eggs at four and eight days post-feeding. In addition, there was a significant reduction in the number of hatched nymphs and an increase in the proportion of deformed eggs, indicating that Rp-αGluG knockdown affects reproductive success. Effect on T. cruzi metacyclogenesis: Knockdown of Rp-αGluG affected the proliferation and metacyclogenesis of Trypanosoma cruzi in the hindgut. Although there was an initial increase in epimastigote numbers seven days after infection, this difference was not maintained at later stages. Importantly, knockdown impaired the transition to the infective trypomastigote form, which is critical for pathogen transmission, highlighting the role of Rp-αGluG in maintaining a physiological environment.



Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Molecular Biology, Insect Biochemistry, Bloodsucking Insect
