Local Time Dependence of Jupiter's Polar Auroral Emission Observed by Juno UVS: Juno UVS Auroral Images
The in this archive are the brightness and color ratio maps of the 101 spin integrated maps produced from the UVS instrument on the Juno Mission through the first 13 orbits as well as the indiviual frames of the movie S5 of the supplementary material. There are two main directories. The main_paper_images directory contains 7 subdirectories, one for each figure in the main text. The supplemental_images directory contains 3 sub-directories; 1) movie, which contains the individual data for each frame of the movie, 2) north, which contains all 101 spin average images of the north pole of Jupiter, and 3) south, which contains all 101 spin average images of the south pole of Jupiter. Each idl save file contains four arrays: 1) brightness_map (kR), 2) color_raio_map, 3) latitude_map (System III, degrees), and 4) longitude_map (System III west, degrees). In addition, we have written out the same data in fits format with the brightness map as extension 1, the color ratio map as extension 2, the latitude maps is in extension 3 and the longitude map is in extension 4. These data are in support JGR Planets paper "Local Time Dependence of Jupiter's Polar Auroral Emission Observed by Juno UVS" by Greathouse et al.