Table S1 (TableS1.csv), related to step 15, Cosson et al

Published: 22 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/b3ffg5k7hp.1
Bertrand Cosson


This table contains the raw data from our mass spectrometry analysis for differential analysis of Trim71-associated protein complexes in mouse embryonic stem cells, including the sum of peptide peak intensities (beginning with 'Sumintensity'), numerical data in other columns, and additional information presented in text format. This file serves as support for the protocol published in Cosson B. et al., STAR Protocols, 2024, Protocol for differential analysis of Trim71-associated protein complexes in mouse embryonic stem cells by mass spectrometry using Perseus.


Steps to reproduce

Steps are described in Cosson B. et al., STAR Protocols, 2024, Protocol for differential analysis of Trim71-associated protein complexes in mouse embryonic stem cells by mass spectrometry using Perseus.


Universite Sorbonne Paris Cite, Universite Paris Diderot


Mass Spectrometry
