Database for Emotion Recognition System Based on EEG Signals and Various Computer Games - GAMEEMO

Published: 9 July 2020| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/b3pn4kwpmn.3


This dataset includes computer games-based EEG signals. They are collected from 28 different subjects with wearable and portable EEG device called 14 channel Emotiv Epoc+. Subjects played emotionally 4 different computer games (boring, calm, horror and funny) for 5 minutes and totally 20 minutes long EEG data available for each subject. Subjects rated each computer game based on the scale of arousal and valence by applying SAM form. We provided both raw and preprocessed EEG data with .csv and. mat format in our data repository. Each subject's rating score and SAM form are also available. The aim of this dataset is to provide an alternative data for emotion recognition process and show the performance of wearable EEG devices against traditional ones. In the main folder (GAMEEMO) researches will find 29 different folders (28 for subjects and 1 for gameplay). S01, S02, ... represents the subjects who participated in the experiment. Gameplay folder shows the gameplay of each game. In each subjects folder, researchers will find preprocessed EEG data, raw EEG data csv and .mat format. Also SAM ratings are available with .pdf format. Games are represented as G1, G2, G3, and G4. G1 refers Game 1, G2 refers G2, and so on.



