Playback of alarm and appetitive calls differentially impacts vocal, heart-rate and motor response in rats. Olszyński et al

Published: 29 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/b4m46fwytg.1
Robert Filipkowski


Raw data showing rats' responses to ultrasonic playback. Rats spent 10 min in silence and then where exposed to 10-s-long playbacks of 50-kHz ultrasonc vocalizations (USV), 50-kHz artificial tones, 22-kHz USV, 22-kHz tones in randomized order. Data are organized in 10-s-long intervals. Included are: distance traveled [cm], time spent [%] in the half of the cage next to the speaker, heart rate [HR, bpm], number of emitted USV in response. The initial 10 min was also analyzed without outliers (please refer to the second excel sheets). Data show increase of vocalizations in response to the playbacks, especially 50-kHz ones, increase in HR following 50-kHz playbacks and decrease in HR after 22-kHz playbacks.



Polska Akademia Nauk Instytut Medycyny Doswiadczalnej i Klinicznej im M Mossakowskiego


Animal Behavior, Animal Physiology, Ultrasonic Vocalization, Heart Rate
