Abdel-Moneim is a Professor of Virology who holds professorships at the Taif University (Saudi Arabia) and Beni-Suef University (Egypt). Mapping of viral diseases of animals and humans is the driving force behind his research since finishing his PhD. His post-doctoral training was carried out in the Friedrich Loeffler Institute, Greifswald ,Insel Riems, Germany. He studied the use of baculovirus with mammalian expression systems for cloning infectious bronchitis virus N and S genes. His team studied molecular evolution of avian influenza and infectious bronchitis viruses in Egypt and added new insights into the epidemiology and evolution of the H5N1 influenza virus, since they discovered the first report of H5N1 in equine species. In addition, they reported the circulation of H7 and H9 in Egypt all-over the country. Since his arrival at the Taif University, he worked on molecular diagnosis and diagnostic markers of viral diseases. His team in Saudi Arabia and Egypt recorded new reports in both countries for human bocavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus and rotavirus as well as coronaviruses. His team recorded the existence of considerable ratio of HBoV in colorectal cancer and in the normal blood donors highlighting its possible risk factor for colorectal cancer and blood transfusion. Pathogen-host interaction was among the research interest of Prof. Abdel-Moneim, and his team recorded high rate of spontaneous recovery from HCV among Saudi nationals and studied the role of platelets in the pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis in schistosomiasis and hepatitis C. He is one of the editorial board of many virology journals of human and animals as well as an ad hoc reviewer for a number of international scientific peer review journals. He is a member of different societies of Virology and the founder of the World Society for Virology. He supervised many predoctoral and postdoctoral scientists from Egypt.