Insights into Drug Addiction in Bangladesh: A Multidimensional Dataset

Published: 25 November 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/b5ccpknz2z.1
Muksitul Islam,


This dataset provides a comprehensive exploration of the factors influencing drug addiction in Bangladesh. It includes 36 columns covering demographic, socioeconomic, psychological, and behavioral aspects of individuals, both drug-addicted and non-addicted. Key features include age, gender, education level, employment status, family structure, reasons for addiction, mental health status, physical health, and experiences such as trauma or failure in life. The dataset also examines relationships with family and peers, living arrangements, drug-use history, and external influences like friends and family history of drug use. Additionally, it highlights health-related aspects such as sleep quality, eating habits, mental/emotional health, and the prevalence of suicidal thoughts. This dataset is ideal for researchers studying addiction patterns, behavioral factors, and socioeconomic impacts. It can support predictive modeling, comparative analyses, and public health interventions aimed at mitigating drug addiction.



Daffodil International University


Economics, Addiction, Age, Sleep, Suicide Risk
