Application of criminology in urban ecology and evolution: Routine Activity Theory and field equipment disappearance dynamics

Published: 8 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/b5mp3dss84.1


Description of data and files structure: 1. DataFB – data on frassboxes This dataset includes: frassboxes IDs, latitudes (“Lat”), longitudes (“Long”), human presence indexes (“HumanP”), Impervious Surfaces Area percentages (ISA), distances to the closest paths (“Paths”; in meters), distances to closest roads (“Roads”; in meters); tree cover percentages (Tree), cumulative records disappearance (“Stolen_tot”), year of study (“Year”), binary records of items disappearance (“stolen_ever”), tree cover categorized as “High” or “Low” based on the median value of the full dataset (“TreeLev”) 2. DataNestBoxes – data on nestboxes This dataset includes: nestboxes IDs, latitudes (“Lat”), longitudes (“Long”), study site where the nestbox is located (“Site”), human presence indexes (“HumanP”), Impervious Surfaces Area percentages (ISA), distances to the closest paths (“Paths”; in meters), distances to closest roads (“Roads”; in meters); tree cover percentages (Tree), height at which the nestbox is installed (“Height”), cumulative records disappearance (“stolen_sum”), binary records of items disappearance (“stolen_ever”), year of study site set up (“Install_Year”), tree cover categorized as “H” (high) or “L” (low) based on the median value of the full dataset (“TreeLev”) 3. NoveltyData – dataset used for the “novelty” analysis This dataset includes: frassboxes IDs, study site where the frassbox was located (“Site”), year of study (“Year”), number of days since the frassboxes were set up in a given year (“Age”), record of whether the frassbox disappeared or not in between checks (“Stolen”) Description of codes: 1. Labels_chi_Application: Chi-squared test for the effect of labels on nestboxes and frassboxes disappearance 2. Data_preparation_Application Preparation of data on nestboxes and data on frassboxes for further analysis (libraries, transformations) 3. Data_analysis_Application The whole data analysis process for environmental drivers of scientific equipment disappearance across the urban mosaic (both for frassboxes and nestboxes) Code for a plot of probability of nestbox disappearance and human presence interaction with tree cover (Figure 5 in the main file) Code for a plot of probability of frassbox disappearance and human presence interaction with tree cover (Figure 6 in the main file) 4. Novelty_analysis_Application The whole data analysis process for novelty effect on frassboxes disappearance (both for frassboxes and nestboxes); the code includes comments explaining the process 5. Novelty_plot_Application Code for the “novelty” plots (Figure 7 in the main file) 6. PCAs_Application Code for the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of environmental variables measured at each frassbox (Figure S2(a) in the supplementary information file) Code for the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of environmental variables measured at each frassbox (Figure S2(b) in the supplementary information file) All of the codes include comments explaining the processes


Steps to reproduce

For more information see the article: Stadnicki, I., Szulkin, M., Corsini, M, 2024. Application of criminology in urban ecology and evolution: 'Routine Activity Theory and field equipment disappearance dynamics'. Ecological Indicators.


Uniwersytet Warszawski, Cornell University Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Boise State University


Criminology, Evolutionary Ecology, Urban Ecology


Narodowe Centrum Nauki


Narodowe Centrum Nauki

