Game Frame Time data files

Published: 17 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/b62c8hhmrk.1
Ramesh Singh,


To cater to many players in AR/VR applications in the MEC network (MEN), MEN is divided into regions, where each region consists of multiple MEC hosts. Every region has one server, called the Region Coordinator (RC), responsible for hosting the services to process the action data for players within that region. This architecture is decentralized as the processing of action data does not occur centrally, in the cloud. In such a multiplayer decentralized architecture, the response time for a user is the sum of a) Stage 1: the time taken by the task, whether offloaded or not, b) Stage 2: time to send the output of the task from the MEC host to the RC, c) Stage 3: the time to process the output of the tasks at the RC and the time to communicate the result to the player. The maximum value of the sum of the duration for stages 1, 2, and 3 constitutes a Game Frame Time (GFT). GFT represents the maximum response time experienced by any player. An MEC Orchestrator/Controller decides which MEC hosts are RCs, which MEC hosts a UE needs to be associated with, and whether to offload UE tasks while reducing GFT. We formulated the Optimization (OPT) problem to reduce the GFT. We also proposed the heuristic reduce GFT (rGFT). Text file "Files_description_rGFT.txt" contains the description about files available in folder "rGFT". These data files are used to run the heuristic experiments. Text file "Files_description_rGFT-OPT.txt" contains the description about files available in folder "rGFT-OPT" . These files are used to run the experiments when comparing the rGFT and OPT.



Nagaland University


Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Multi-Access Edge Computing
