GoCJ: Google Cloud Jobs Dataset
Published: 26 September 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/b7bp6xhrcd.1
, Description
The GoCJ dataset is comprised of different files. Each file contains the sizes of a specified number of jobs in terms of Million Instructions (MI) derived from the workload behaviors witnessed in google cluster traces (surveys published). The name of the file determines the number of jobs within the file i.e.; GoCJ_Dataset_100 has the sizes of 100 jobs. The GoCJ dataset is accepted for publication in MDPI Data journal, the citation of the article will be provied very soon. Moreover, the GoCJ dataset (i..e named as Google-like realistic dataset) is used in the following research work of the author. Hussain, A., Aleem, M., Khan, A. et al. Cluster Comput (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-018-2414-6
Capital University of Science and Technology
Cloud Computing, Distributed Computing