Data for: Structural Estimation of Switching Costs for Peaking Power Plants
These files were made as part of the research behind Fleten, Haugom, Ullrich and Pichler (2019). Please see that article as well as the corresponding Data in Brief article. You need AMPL (Fourer et al (1993) to run these files. You may try to use the NEOS server for this, if you do not have AMPL and an appropriate solver, such as KNITRO. Byrd R.H., Nocedal J., Waltz R.A. (2006) KNITRO: An Integrated Package for Nonlinear Optimization. In: Di Pillo G., Roma M. (eds) Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization. Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications, vol 83. Springer, Boston, MA Fleten, S.-E.; Haugom, E.; Pichler, A. & Ullrich, C. J. (2019), 'Structural Estimation of Switching Costs for Peaking Power Plants', in press, European Journal of Operational Research. Fourer, R., Gay, D. M., & Kernighan, B. (1993). AMPL: A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming, Danvers, MA: Boyd & Fraser.