Dataset: Vision and Mission Statements Analysis of 100 Best Global Brands

Published: 15 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/b7w2gkrwwz.1


This dataset contains an analysis of the vision and mission statements of 100 Best Global Brands of the year 2020 ranked by Interbrand. The vision and mission statements are analyzed for the desired characteristics and components by employing a content analysis technique. The observations are recorded as binary (1/0), where 1 shows the existence of desired variable in the vision and mission statement and 0 otherwise. The dataset includes a total of 41 variables and 4100 observations.


Steps to reproduce

The vision and mission statements of 100 best Global Brands were analysed for number of words and desired components and characteristics according to David, David [2]’s guidelines.


Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University College of Business Administration


Management, Strategic Management, Business Administration
