Multimodal Dataset for Sentiment Analysis and Classification

Published: 29 January 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/b7z68nykxt.2


In the proposed dataset, videos are collected and downloaded from social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Telegram, and video libraries that match requirements. The proposed dataset consists of 600 videos of different emotions like Neutral, Happy, Anger, Disgust, Fear, Sad, and surprise. The proposed dataset has videos of variable length from people of different ages and different nationalities and the audio in each clip has the voice of a single speaker who is seen in the film. The language of the videos is US English. It is labeled and balanced video dataset. This dataset can serve as valuable resource for various research purposes, including sentiment analysis, opinion mining, trend analysis, and social behavior studies, etc.



Emotion Perception
