Stochastic tsunami source database along Chile subduction zone

Published: 15 January 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/b85kvbm8ht.2


The database contains stochastic tsunami scenarios and tsunami inundation maps generated in the paper "A New Generation of Tsunami Inundation Maps for Chilean Cities: Tsunami Source Database and Probabilistic Hazard Analysis." To analyze the Chile-Perú subduction zone, it was divided into four seismic segments based on historical seismicity. Stochastic rupture scenarios were generated across a wide range of magnitudes, ranging from 8.0 to 9.6, using the Karhunen-Loeve expansion. Subsequently, the Stochastic Reduced Order Model (SROM) was applied to select representative tsunami scenarios for each seismic segment and magnitude range. The database offers the following data: 1) Files containing fault parameters to be used in the NEOWAVE model, which also includes probabilities associated to each scenario obtained through the SROM method. These probabilities are needed to generate probabilistic tsunami inundation maps using a weighted density function. 2) Probabilistic tsunami inundation maps of 11 cities corresponding to an exceedance probability of 2% in 50 years, i.e. 2475 years return period. 3) Probabilistic tsunami inundation maps of 11 cities corresponding to an exceedance probability of 0.5% in 50 years, i.e. 9975 years return period. 4) Figures displaying the coseismic deformation of each scenario.



Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion


Tsunami Hazard Assessment, Stochastic Modeling, Tsunami


Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo


Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo

