Large-scale self-report crowdsourcing sampling for sonic seasoning studies conducted in Asia (RAW DATA)

Published: 3 August 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/b8r3m9xppk.1
Felipe Reinoso-Carvalho,


Sonic seasoning refers to music produced, or chosen, in order to trigger specific perceptual and/or emotional effects in food/beverage experiences. This concept derives from the framework of crossmodal correspondences, which point out towards the systematic associations that most people tend to make between features, attributes or dimensions across the senses. Based on sonic seasoning, music can enhance particular aspects of a tasting experience. In order to build the discussion towards a greater, and more global applicability of these ideas, in this raw dataset, a large-scale quantitative sonic-seasoning sampling process, based on self-report within and between-participant experimental designs, was collected via crowdsourcing in Asia. In summary, this data can be used as baseline for different comparative analyses, where the effects of sonic seasoning can be analyzed from different methodological perspectives, potentially adding value to the discussion on the replicability of these crossmodal effects across diverse types of multisensory tasting experiences. See pdf document for full description on materials, methods, and corresponding references.



Tokyo Daigaku, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Universidad de los Andes


Music, Consumer Behavior, Asia, Sensory Integration, Food Taste
