Rawdata of the paper "A psychophysical experimental study on the enhancement of saltiness and reduction of salt through the addition of pungent stimuli in a NaCl solution"

Published: 26 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/b8w4vwgdnn.1
Lu-Lu Zhang


In order to verify the promotion effect of pungent stimuli on the perception of saltiness, this research focused on three aspects. First, the recognition threshold of NaCl under subliminal, low, moderate and strong pungent solutions, and spring water were determined by the 2-AFC method. Second, the saltiness of recognition threshold, low and moderate NaCl solutions under different pungent carriers were evaluated by the category scale method. Lastly, a series of NaCl solutions, ranging from low to high salty intensity, under different pungent carriers was also evaluated by the gLMS method. the rawdata comprised 4 sections:(1)Individual results of the salty sensitivity under spring water;(2)Recognition threshold of saltiness under different carriers;(3)Results of salty intensity according to category scale, and (4)Results of salty intensity under different carriers with gLMS. The Statistics analysis are as follows: (1) Classification of sensitivity groups The log-mean ratings of NaCl under water solutions for individual results were compared via repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA) measures. The log-means of individual results for the series of NaCl were calculated and the power exponent of individuals were obtained. The participants group were divided into a hyposensitive group, a semi-sensitive group and a hypersensitive group, according to the quartile point method. Two-way contingency tables were used to determine the reliability of the group classifications by the methods of recognition threshold and power exponent of the psychophysical functions. (2) Calculation of the recognition threshold of saltiness The individual best estimate threshold (BET) was used to determine the geometric mean of the highest concentration missed and the next higher concentration. The group BET was calculated as the geometric mean of the individual BETs. The paired t-test was used for analysis of the difference between the salty recognition threshold under water and pungent solutions. (3) Salty intensity according to category scale The rating numbers -2, -1, 0, 1 and 2 were assigned to the five categories, respectively, as follows: perceived salty intensity obviously lower than the control; salty intensity a little lower than the control; no difference between two samples; salty intensity a little higher than the control, and salty intensity obviously higher than the control. The means of ratings were calculated for the hyposensitive, semi-sensitive and hypersensitive groups, and snake-like figures were used to demonstrate the effect of pungency sensation on the sensory perception of saltiness. (4) Salty intensity according to gLMS gLMS is a semantic scale of perceptual intensity characterized by a quasi-logarithmic spacing of its verbal labels. The log-mean ratings of saltiness under different carriers were calculated and the paired t test used to analyze the significance between the control and salty solutions under different pungent carriers.



Applied Sensory Psychophysics
