#ThisIsTheRealSpain 2019.01.30 - 2019.02.24
Dataset that collects tweets between January 30th and February 24th in 2019 with Twarc. Twarc is a tool by Documenting the Now: http://www.docnow.io/#tools #ThisIsTheRealSpain was a campaign by Josep Borrell, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain at the time, who wanted to show a more democratic and respectful image of the Spanish State. España Global (@EspanaGlobal) | Twitter https://twitter.com/EspanaGlobal Ana Botín y Jesús Calleja se suman al vídeo 'This is the real Spain' | España Global https://espanaglobal.gob.es/actualidad/sociedad/ana-bot%C3%ADn-y-jes%C3%BAs-calleja-se-suman-al-v%C3%ADdeo-real-spain http://ctrlq.org/first/154234-thisistherealspain/ Hashtags: #ThisIsTheRealSpain #SpanishInquisition Dates: 2019.01.30-2019.02.24 Number of Tweets: 268,039 Size (Hydrated): 1.87 gigabytes
Steps to reproduce
Download & Install Twarc: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#install Download and archiving: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#usage twarc search '#ThisIsTheRealSpain OR #SpanishInquisition since:2019-01-30 until:2019-02-24' > ThisIsTheRealSpain-search-2019.01.30-2019.02.24.jsonl And Hydrate the dataset: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#hydrate twarc dehydrate ThisIsTheRealSpain-search-2019.01.30-2019.02.24.jsonl > ThisIsTheRealSpain-search-2019.01.30-2019.02.24-ids.txt