Research Data for ‘Ground truthing the environmental benefits of a polygeneration system: when to combine heat and power?’
Published: 29 May 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/b8yxrp8d9p.1
Peter BerrillDescription
Foreground life cycle inventories for three alternative systems of providing heat, cooling, and electricity to a university campus, and other relevant background information for the related study. Data-file 1 provides inventories for three energy supply systems with 2015 average technology, and other background information and calculations for the study. Data-file 2 provides inventories for the three energy supply systems based on 2030 technology. Data-file 3 provides inventories for the two systems affected by allocation choices, with a sensitivity analysis whereby allocation is based on exergy content rather than energy content of products.
Combined Heat and Power, Life Cycle Assessment, Thermal Energy Storage, Polygeneration System